Superdeformation can be triaxial

Experiments on superdeformed light nuclei were based on very careful observation and detailed analysis of the gamma radiation emitted by the nucleus of calcium 42Ca, caused to spin as a result of a collision with a target constructed of lead 208Pb or gold 197Au. The measurements were carried out at the Italian INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), and they were used in the AGATA gamma radiation detector. This detector, the most advanced of the gamma-ray Germanium detectors currently in use, is the product of international cooperation and is characterized by an extremely high power of resolution. The experiment concerning superdeformation of the nuclei of calcium was the first one using this sophisticated device. The discovery of triaxial superdeformation in 42Ca will help physicists to better understand the phenomena in atomic nuclei.
Cooperation between the centres of Krakow and Warsaw is done within the consortium of the National Cyclotron Laboratory.
K.Hadyńska-Klęk, (P.J.Napiorkowski, M.Zielińska, J.Srebrny, A.Maj, M.Kicińska-Habior, P.Bednarczyk, M.Ciemała, A.Czermak, B.Dulny, B.Fornal, J.Grebosz, J.Iwanicki, G.Jaworski, M.Kmiecik, D.Karpiński, M.Kisieliński, M.Komorowska, M.Kowalczyk, M.Krzysiek, K.Mazurek, W.Meczyński, S.Myalski, M.Palacz, L.Próchniak, K.Rusek, J.Styczeń, B.Wasilewska, K.Wrzosek-Lipska, M.Ziebliński) et al.
Quadrupole collectivity in Ca 42 from low-energy Coulomb excitation with AGATA
Physical Review C 97, 024326 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.024326
K.Hadyńska-Klęk, (P.J.Napiorkowski, M.Zielińska, J.Srebrny, A.Maj, M.Kicińska-Habior, P.Bednarczyk, M.Ciemała, A.Czermak, B.Dulny, B.Fornal, J.Grebosz, J.Iwanicki, G.Jaworski, M.Kmiecik, D.Karpiński, M.Kisieliński, M.Komorowska, M.Kowalczyk, M.Krzysiek, K.Mazurek, W.Meczyński, S.Myalski, M.Palacz, L.Próchniak, K.Rusek, J.Styczeń, B.Wasilewska, K.Wrzosek-Lipska, M.Ziebliński) et al.
Superdeformed and Triaxial States in 42Ca
Physical Review Letters 117, 062501 (2016);
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.062501