NCBJ Virtual SHE seminars

Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic slowing down the international collaboration and in-person contacts, the investigations of SHEs and publishing new results were continuing. As we cannot meet during any conference we have decided to create a series of virtual talks dedicated to the research on super heavy nuclei (SHE).
The first seminar on 13th of October, 2020 at 1 p.m. will be given by:
Prof. Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR, Dubna, Russia
“Experiments with nuclei and atoms of super heavy elements (reasoning while in isolation)”
Prof. Witold Nazarewicz, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
“Superheavy elements: theoretical challenges (an update)” .
We hope you can join and enjoy these virtual talks.