Seminar under the patronage of the Minister of Climate and Environment

The Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw invite you to a seminar under the patronage of the Minister of Climate and Environment entitled
“Current challenges related to the implementation of the Polish Nuclear Power Program” (in Polish).
The seminar will be held on November 29, 2021 at 9:00 online.
The seminar will be held remotely via the videoconference platform. Anyone who completes the registration form will receive a link to the platform and will be able to actively participate in the seminar by asking questions to the speakers.
Additionally, during registration, it is possible to ask a question to all or a selected Participant of the discussion panel. Please enter your question in the registration form with the information to whom it is addressed. Note – due to the limited time of the discussion panel, only a few, the most interesting questions will be selected.
More on the website of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.