Professor Zbigniew Majka has passed away

It is with deep regret that we announce that Professor Zbigniew Majka died tonight after a long illness.
Many of us knew the Professor personally and know how much heart and commitment he put into implementing the FAIR center, which he saw as a huge opportunity for Polish science.
Thanks to his efforts, Poland joined FAIR as a shareholder and is implementing a number of tasks of key importance to the project. For many years he served as scientific director of the FAIR Joint Team in Darmstadt.
On the initiative of prof. Majki, the National Consortium of Femtophysics was established, of which he was the chairman until 2014, and in later years he was involved in all initiatives undertaken within the consortium.
His departure leaves a gap that is difficult to fill.
Funeral ceremonies will take place on May 25, 2024 (Saturday) at the Wikowyja municipal cemetery in Rzeszów at 12:30.

Piotr Salabura and Paweł Staszel