Nuclear Physics Section
The first steps towards establishing the Nuclear Physics Section within the Polish Physical Society were taken in 2013. At one of the meetings of the Committee for Nuclear Physics and its Applications of PPS, prof. Wiesław Kamiński undertook to establish the Section. The initiative was supported by the majority of the members of the Commission, and therefore the Interim Section Board was appointed, whose main task was to collect the declarations of entry to the Section from the founding members. The Temporary Board consists of members of the Committee:
Prof. J. Andrzejewski, prof. K. Czerski, dr hab. S. Kowalski, prof. A. Maj, prof. K. Pomorski and prof. K. Rusek.
After collecting the required thirty declarations and preparing the Section’s regulations, the President of the PPS was asked to appoint it. In the Bulletin of the General Board of PPS 1/2015, there was information about the establishment of the Nuclear Physics Section, and prof. K. Ruska. For the new term of office, in 2017, a new, no longer temporary Section Board was appointed, headed by prof. A. Maj, who started intensive activities aimed at integration and activation of the national nuclear physicists community.
The Nuclear Physics Section associates its activity with scientific research in nuclear physics and its applications, energy and nuclear energy, as well as their popularization.
In particular, we relay on the activity of young scientists, PhD students and students.
We invite you to join the Polish Physical Society and join the activities of the Nuclear Physics Section.
Regulamin Sekcji Fizyki Jądrowej PTF (in Polish)
Deklaracja przystąpienia do SFJ PFT (in Polish)
Deklaracja członkowska PTF (in Polish)
Scans of filled and signed declarations can be sent to: sfj-ptf(at)