Dr. Akito Arima has passed away

Dr. Akito Arima has passed away on December 6, 2020 at the age of 90. We would like to
express our sincere condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed by all who
knew him. It would not be an exaggeration to say that during his term as President of
RIKEN, Dr. Arima had built the foundation for the RIKEN Nishina Center of today with
his tremendous support and contribution in budgeting for the RIBF, opening of the RIKEN
Facility Office at RAL and RIKEN BNL Research Center.

Dr. Arima had made numerus outstanding achievements in theory of nuclear structure
physics. Not only was this limited to configuration mixing theory and cluster model but
by proposing and developing “Interacting Boson Model”, he had succeeded in unifiedly
describing collective motions such as nuclear oscillation and deformation.

With these exceptional achievements, Dr. Arima won numerous prestigious awards both domestic
and international including the Nishina Memorial Prize, Japan’s Order of Culture, Tom
W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics from American Physical Society, and Legion of Honor
from France. We will continue to honor his legacy by stepping up our research activity
to the next level.

Hiroyoshi Sakurai
Director of the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science

2020 Lise Meitner Award Ceremony

The 2020 Lise Meitner Award Ceremony will take place as a Zoom webinar on Thursday November 26, at 16.30 CET.

The award is given biannual by the European Physical Society Nuclear Physics Division,

and goes to 3 generations of outstanding ISOLDE researchers for their development and application of on-line instrumentation and techniques, for their precise and systematic investigation of properties of nuclei far from stability, and for shaping the scientific program at the online isotope separator facility ISOLDE, CERN.

Details on how to register and connect for the Prize Ceremony, which is organized as a special event during the yearly ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, are available at: https://indico.cern.ch/event/928868/overview.

Registration if possible either for the full workshop (including prize ceremony) or for the prize ceremony only.

Global Nuclear Physics Innovation

The Enterprise Europe Network and the Heavy Ion Laboratory of the University of Warsaw has the honor of inviting you to the brokerage event: Global Nuclear Physics Innovation.

Innovative solutions in the utilization of nuclear physics applications will challenge the minds of academia and industry during the dedicated event on 2nd & 3rd December 2020, in Warsaw, Poland (Online meetings).

The event will target a wide spectrum of laboratories, universities, companies from the power plant, medicine and pharmaceutical industry, space industry and beyond to foster the creation of technology transfers, collaborative research, innovation networks, innovation activities.

The nuclear physics laboratories facilities have the chance to established links with international industry and SMEs. The goal of brokerage event is to create a strong network of laboratories and industrial partners in the close relation which all the nuclear facilities and partners (better knowledge of the existing facilities for beam industrial users, wider market for technology transfer possibilities).

face to face meetings – the way to successful cooperation!

This 3rd edition of the Nuclear Physics Innovation of brokerage event is organized in a special time. Among the different areas of research activity, we add a special subject in reference to fighting against the COVID-19 – virus protein structure analysis with the use of synchrotron.

Event website: https://nupinno-2020.b2match.io/.

The official language of the brokerage meeting will be English.

Participation in the brokerage event is free.