News in the theory of nuclear fission

One of the key observables of nuclear fission is fragment mass distribution. Theoretical description of the potential energy surface and inertia parameters allows predicting fragment mass distributions of each particular nuclide. We have investigated 96 isotopes of the elements from Pt (Z = 78) do Ra (Z = 88). Calculations were performed in the three-dimensional collective model based on the energies from the macroscopic-microscopic model with effective Fourier parametrization of nuclear shape. Experimental data are well reproduced when the neck rupture probability depends on the neck thickness.

Krzysztof Pomorski, Artur Dobrowolski, Rui Han, Bożena Nerlo-Pomorska, Michał Warda, Zhigang Xiao, Yongjing Chen, Lilie Liu, and Jun-Long Tian

Mass yields of fission fragments of Pt to Ra isotopes

Physical Review C 101, 064602 (2020)

Conferences rescheduled

Many conferences in 2020 have been rescheduled du to  the COVID-19 pandemic. The Extraordinary Congress of Polish Physicists in Warsaw, the Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physic have new dates.  More information in the Events section.